Non Destrtructive Testing (NDT)

Non destrtructive testing (NDT) adalah aktivitas tes atau inspeksi terhadap suatu benda untuk mengetahui adanya cacat, retak, atau discontinuity lain tanpa merusak benda yang kita tes atau inspeksi. Pada dasarnya, tes ini dilakukan untuk menjamin bahwa material yang kita gunakan masih aman dan belum melewati damage tolerance.

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Kami menawarkan jasa perawatan, pengelolaan kebersihan gedung dari mulai kontrak perusahaan area terbatas hingga area yang luas, dari kontrak jangka pendek hingga kontrak jangka panjang. pembersihan, pengecatan, instalasi listrik, konstruksi dan perbaikan merupakan jaminan kami dengan pelanggan untuk dapat memberikan pelayanan terbaik yang dapat memberikan nilai tambah terhadap bisnis pelanggan.

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Rope Access and Confined Space

Rope Access

This progression technique is used when there is no collective protection (railing, protective nets, etc.) or when overhanging structures or worksites do not allow for mobile platforms, outdoor scaffolding, etc. to be used. This is also the case for temporary operations where it is not practical to set up collective protection. The work area is accessed with ropes by operators specialized in rope access techniques. A site can be accessed from the top (safer and simpler to set up, this is the technique of choice), or from below (for example, a leader throws a rope up and around a fixed point, and then climbs up the rope, or he uses mountaineering progression techniques). Once the leader has installed all the progression and safety ropes, the other workers can safely climb up these ropes.

Confined Spaces
Work done in confined spaces carries specific additional difficulties related primarily to the lack of space and to the lack of means of autonomous progression. Besides, the worker may face numerous additional constraints: length of the intervention, air quality, temperature, etc. Since he cannot move about or ensure his own safety, someone working in this type of environment must have assistance. Confined spaces are generally accessed from the top. The worker’s safety is ensured by a reversible hauling system, which is independent and reliable, allowing a quick evacuation in case of an accident.

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Rope Access Jobs

When it comes to working in a place where the sky is truly the limit, you’ll be hard pressed to find many options. Some of the more exciting options to gain popularity definitely require a certain set of skills that most don’t possess without some serious training. One such career path that you can explore is rope access positions. Getting trained for these type of jobs is not as simple as going to your local college, you will have to submit to a rigorous course that can either make or break you. The main reason for this hard style of learning is because if you pass, you will be one of the elite people that can stare into the face of fear and laugh, all the while earning a serious paycheck.

What exactly is rope access?

Imagine a giant satellite system, we’re talking one that is several stories high and is important for transmitting and receiving certain signals. Once you have that in mind, consider the maintenance, repair, and upgrades that it might need. How do you implement those things on something that is so high up in the air? If you said rope access, then you are correct.

In order for a person to scale such heights, they are lowered in and put into position with a specialized harness and they can get to work on the repairs or upgrades directly in the areas that they need to be. This is something that the average person might find interesting, but can’t really focus on in practice. Most people are OK with heights, but when you dangle up in the air several stories and are asked to complete a specific task, things change for the worst, if you’re not prepared mentally and physically.

The world can seem so small when you’re high above it, and most people don’t realize that many jobs in these modern times can’t be done with a scissor lift and some duct tape. Welding a cruise ship, for instance, is not done with a simple crane, it requires someone that is specifically trained for the job to rope in and get to work.

When considering whether you’re a candidate for these types of jobs, make sure you look into training. Even with a lot of hours of training under your belt, the fear of falling could set in when you’re high above the ground or water, and that can truly be a test of the human condition, one that many aren’t ready for. Rope access jobs are available today, if you’re up for the adventure, look into training and move forward with care.

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Cleaning by Rope Access at Attaqwa Mosque

Cleaning domes and minarets in At-Taqwa mosque using rope access system
At-Taqwa Mosque built since the 80's are on the road Sriwijaya Kebayoran Baru South Jakarta. For over 25 years the tower and dome of the mosque has not been cleared, as they are not getting a practical way, until in December 2012 the mosque was clean of dirt covered with domes and minarets are white ceramic. Using rope access system that is practical and fast, cleaning ceramic At-Taqwa mosque can be resolved easily.

Rope Access Companies

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Pembersihan Gedung Tanpa Gondola

skyrope indonesia adalah perusahaan jasa dibidang ketinggian dengan menggunakan sistem rope access. perusahaan jasa yang menawarkan perawatan gedung untuk semua jenis dinding luar gedung tanpa menggunakan gondola atau sejenisnya.
spesialis pekerjaan kami meliputi jasa pembersihan, pengecatan, penggantian sealant, gedung bocor, dan semua jenis pekerjaan diketinggian dengan tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda-beda tanpa menggunakan gondola atau perancah lainnya.

Perawatan Gedung Tanpa Gondola

skyrope indonesia adalah perusahaan jasa dibidang ketinggian dengan menggunakan sistem rope access. perusahaan jasa yang menawarkan perawatan gedung untuk semua jenis dinding luar gedung tanpa menggunakan gondola atau sejenisnya.
spesialis pekerjaan kami meliputi jasa pembersihan, pengecatan, penggantian sealant, gedung bocor, dan semua jenis pekerjaan diketinggian dengan tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda-beda tanpa menggunakan gondola atau perancah lainnya.